A look back at Huaka‘i Hawai‘i
in 2022.
Due to COVID-19, the in-person, onsite course was postponed and an online course was offered instead.
Ka‘ala Farm
58 Students from 39 different countries
participated in the Huaka‘i Hawai‘i 2022 online course.

Huaka‘i Hawai‘i: A Journey of Change and Resiliency, Exploring Climate Impacts in Hawai‘i as a Vehicle for Envisioning Local/Global Sustainable Solutions​
Goals of the UWC-SOL Center Short course:
Further the mission of the UWC: to make education a force to unite people, nations and cultures for peace and a sustainable future;
Establish a commitment to climate change mitigation and resiliency solutions;
Build a collaborative community that supports participant’s commitments to uphold the UWC and SOL Center values and ideals.
Through the unique history, environment, and cultural wisdom of Hawai'i, we explored climate change impacts and solutions for food and energy security and approaches to systems thinking and strategic planning to help develop changemaker skills for innovative, values-based resiliency solutions.
Each week we met online as an entire group for a presentation, and after participants met in smaller hui (groups) for a one-hour discussion led by our facilitators. We provided approximately two hours of readings, video, and audio content to prepare for the next unit and about two hours of fun interactive assignments that participants could share with each other. Each weekʻs presentation, discussion, and assignments were designed to be informative, engaging, and entertaining.

Indigenous Knowledge
Explored Native Hawaiian knowledge of thriving in natural environemnts
Natural Systems
Investigated the current scientific understanding of natural systems and how they are impacted by industrial systems and human intervention
Food Systems
Compared and contrasted Native Hawaiian and modern food systems. Evaluated climate change impacts on these food systems and identified potential solutions
Energy Systems
Discussed energy systems, their climate change impacts, and potential resilient solutions suited for a modern, energy-dependent, global society

Strategic Planning
Evaluated Polynesian and contemporary strategic planning practices for student-led actions, and developed a SAIL plan to assist students in creating their own sustainable solutions
"I want to say these words from deepest of my heart: thank you very much. I learned a lot from and I am quite sure about transforming them to others like how to build a sustainable future."

—Quarban Al Hussein,
"I particularly enjoyed our Hui (small) groups and the teaching method. The presentations were really fun and I enjoyed them a lot."

—Lily Kreiner,
"I really enjoyed meeting people from around the world and hearing new perspectives about environmental issues. I loved the part in which we learned about Hawai'i's culture because I really didn't know anything and it was very interesting."

"I wanted to thank you for this incredibly efficient and versatile short experience. Getting to know different amazing people from around the world was the best possible way to evaluate my summer. I am absolutely delighted for you to create this chance for me."
